nanda kumar jai across America: lessons in sustainability and happiness
Rob Greenfield's 4,700-mile ride on a bamboo bicycle towing solar panels taught him the power of living a simple life
Rob Greenfield rode for 104 days, crossing 4,700 miles. He rode 375 miles across Iowa with no seat as part of the "stand up for sustainability" campaign. Photograph: Rob Greenfield
Over a period of 104 days this summer I cycled across America on a bamboo bicycle towing a trailer covered in solar panels.
My intention for the 4,700-mile "Off the Grid Across America" tour was to raise awareness about sustainability and inspire individuals to wake up and take action.
I set rigorous ground rules; only using electricity I created via my own alternative energy devices, using water harvested form natural sources such as lakes, rain and wells, and eating local organic unpackaged produce or food that was going to waste. Lastly, I wanted to shop only at businesses that practice corporate social responsibility and have a desire to use business to effect positive change in the world.
Over the entire journey, I plugged into only five outlets (my laptop) and never turned on a light switch, created two pounds of trash, nine pounds of recycling, and composted all of my food scraps.
The only other transportation I needed was a one mile ferry ride into Manhattan, of which my share was around quarter of a gallon. I had made a commitment not to swear; I cursed 9 times.
I also carried out multiple personal campaigns, including riding from New York City to Boston during a heat wave living solely on leaky faucets and waste water in a campaign called "Drip by Drip."
So what did I learn? While the trip was downright gruelling, I realised that when you have less, you have more. I appreciated a small sip of water, a morsel of food, the last 3% of battery life on my Macbook Air, clean clothes, fresh air, smooth roads, and clean water to swim in. Now that I can find joy in the simple parts of life, I can find sources of happiness for free everywhere around me.
I learned the power of a bicycle. It is a relatively simple machine but it can take us great distances both figuratively and literally. Life is good when you are on a bike. Good for yourself, good for the earth, and good for the people around you.
I recognised that people do genuinely want to help and to be a part of something greater than themselves but they just need that extra little push and they need to see someone else do it first. I learned that positivity tends to create more positivity, as does goodness.
Lastly, if you live simply, you can live free. The less complicated you make your life, the more time you have to spend doing what you love and what's good for you.
Change begins with the actions of individuals. A big action that anyone can take is to become a conscious consumer and support businesses that are doing their part to protect the environment.
Businesses will sell what we will buy so we decide through our actions what is on the market. If as an individual you want to change the way business is done, then start buying from businesses that are using it as a means of positive change in the world.
One simple action is joining 1% for the Planet, which is a growing global movement of more than 1,200 companies that donate 1% of their sales to a network of more than 3,000 approved environmental organisations worldwide.
When speaking of businesses taking responsibility for the earth's well being Yvon Chouinard, the founder of 1% for the planet and owner of Patagonia, once said "The best way to do it is to just dig into you pockets and give the money away to people who are willing to do the work."
I am 26 years old and started my first business in September of 2011. The Greenfield Group uses 5% of revenues for environmental projects, such as the creation of a community bike programme and offering a free CFL bulb exchange for residents of my community. All this goodness didn't only benefit others. My business saw great gains from it and built a solid image.
For me business is a tool to create a happier, healthier planet as well as support myself and my employees. I just hope other companies can also come to recognise this.
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